If you’re reading this article and you have a cat, chances are stopping your cat from scratching furniture is a problem you have to deal with. Here are some tips on how to stop this from happening.

Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture?
Cats scratching furniture is part of their nature because they’re hunters. For this reason, they need to keep their claws sharp. Essentially, they scratch furniture to sharpen their nails. Additionally, scratching releases a scent from their paws that marks their territory. It also relaxes them, stretching their muscles and relieving tension and anxiety. What can be done about it?

Double-sided Tape
Stick double-sided tape wherever you don’t want your cat to scratch. This will deter your cat because cats don’t like to touch sticky surfaces. Tape can sometimes leave a sticky residue so test it on a hidden area first and avoid sticking it on expensive and nice furniture.

Scratching Posts
Scratching posts are one of the most common ways people stop their cat from scratching furniture. Essentially, scratching posts direct cats’ attention to another object. Place the scratching post near the furniture the cat likes to scratch and put catnip on it to draw their attention. When they get used to using it, place it somewhere else. There are many different styles and sizes of scratching posts or you can even make your own.

Pet Repellent
If tape and scratching posts still aren’t enough, try a pet repellent. They’re perfectly safe, they just have a bitter taste your cat won’t enjoy. Test it out on a small area of furniture first to make sure it doesn’t stain.

Cat Claw Covers and Caps
Try to stop your cat from scratching furniture by preventing it at the source. Buy claw covers or caps to go over your cat’s claws. With these on, their claws lose access to the furniture they want to destroy.

Even though it might feel like it, your cat scratching furniture isn’t a personal attack on you. Stopping your cat from scratching furniture completely is nearly possible but there are things you can do to redirect their behavior and protect your furniture. It’s also important that you never declaw your cat and you get their claws trimmed and cleaned regularly. Regal Animal Hospital in Lakeworth, Florida is dedicated to fostering the relationship between you and your pet. For quality services, make an appointment today!